Friday 13 April 2012

Quelle Horreur!!

Why the French you may well ask, I had a moment today that reminded me of my first attempt at the 10 Countries Run in 2007 when the Spitfire knackered a rear wheel bearing resulting in our retirement in France.

It was such a nice day today that I decided to use the Spitfire, on my way home at lunchtime I hit a pothole with the rear nearside wheel which resulted in a very horrible screeching noise from the rear, remembering a similar noise near Dole in France in the middle of the night I limped the final two miles home very carefully.

Jacking the car up when I got home and turning the wheel, there didn't seem any play in the bearing so off the wheel came followed by the brake drum and what dropped out, the top brake shoe return spring! I remember I had replaced the brake shoes last November just before the MOT, clearly I hadn't positioned this spring properly, a quick 5 minutes work resolved the problem and I am pleased to say all is well again.

Well it is Friday 13th!!!!

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