When should one stop fiddling (fettling?) the car for the RBRR - I seem to have reached that point where I am seeking things to do to the Spitfire whereas in reality its ready to go.
Yesterday on a whim I decided to take the lovely sounding GT twin pipe back box off, and put the bog standard rear silencer on, I reasoned that it was just too noisy with the sports box on at cruising speed (60-65mph). It is now a bit more civilised although it did have an effect on the idle, it is now much smoother. A good run today meant I could hear all the rattles and clonks now!
I have now decided to give her a run to Gaydon on Sunday, I honestly can't think of anything else to do, just do an oil change after Gaydon and top up the gearbox, Final drive and general check over the rest of the car - the front pads are fine, they are greenstuff ones that I fitted for the 10CR last year and have plenty of life left in them (I have a set of spares in the boot anyway)
Next week, my neighbour Andy and I and our respective co drivers are having our own driver's meeting as Andy can't make it to Gaydon - he is at Goodwood this weekend.
I must remeber to put some black sacks in the car - that pesky hood just will not stay watertight in rainy weather, got a very wet right knee yesterday in a downpour !
My thoughts now are to the route we are taking I have highlighted all the controls stops in my map book and will be putting them into my sat nav, probably one of the most essential items as the speedo is somewhat innaccurate - today I was allegedly doing 80 down the A21 when in reality it is 69mph according to Mr Garmin - honest officer!
I was planning on using the Stag to drive to Gaydon, however that has developed an auto gearbox fluid leak and its not going in until next Thursday to be sorted. It seems to be coming from the Torque Converter which means a gearbox out job which I shall be helping Trevor at Faversham Classics to do. Should be an interesting day working with the professionals.