It's Tuesday evening - 2 more sleeps before the early morning run on Thursday up to The Plough at Crews Hill for the start. Been monitoring the early morning M25 traffic on the Traffic Cams and it seems as if we shall have an easy run up there, fingers crossed!
Gave the Spitfire a final check over today and a quick blast round the country lanes to sort out any minor niggles. I have even put silicon sealant around the headlight cowls to stop them rattling!
Thought I had a strange burning smell at one point until I remembered that I put some silencer bandage around the pesky manifold to exhaust joint which always conspires to leak after a hard run despite my best efforts with a good secondhand manifold recently.
My co driver (and brother) Rich will be coming down by train from Solihull tomorrow evening as his modern BMW engined Freelander has let him down - time for him to get a Triumph methinks.
Just created a couple of MP3 discs of music to play on the brand spanking new CD Radio from Halfrauds - 45 watts through some ex-midi system speakers behind the seats - should drown out the leaky exhaust manifold, Diff whine, dash rattle etc!
Anyway, thats all for now folks - an update will be given next week - if you want to follow our antics, we will be posting updates to the Club Triumph message board whilst we are away
We are Car Number 9
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