Monday 7 April 2008

A Triumph Break!

Nothing to do with Triumphs, although Land Rover are mentioned! - we've just come back from a Safari in Kenya, our fourth time there so we're a bit addicted to it. This time we took our daughter and her husband with us and for the first time had a 'real' safari vehicle a Land Rover Defender instead of the usual Nissan/Toyota safari vans. This was a great improvement, particularly because there had been some significant rainfall this year and the Defender went where no mere Nissan.Toyota dare, we even had to pull two Toyota Landcruisers out of the mud! (I say we loosely, it was actually our driver Gimo who performed the feat, we merely provided additional weight in the van!)

In short we had a great time, travelled through the Great Rift Valley, visited Samburu, Sweetwaters and the Masai Mara and saw lots of game. It was actually very quiet as so many tourists had either been put off by the recent troubles there or had had their holidays cancelled which is a great shame for the local tourist industry. We saw no sign of any troubles there and everyone we met were as friendly as they ever were. At one hotel we stayed in on Mount Kenya, we were the only 5 people for dinner and breakfast, clearly outnumbered by the staff there.

Anyway, here are a few pics we took there, the odd looking land rover was a 70's British Army one used to transport us to our balloon ride over the Mara, finished off by breakfast in the bush - great time.

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